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Minimise cost for maximum gain: Exchange Fees Unveiled

Minimizing costs for maximum gains

Crypto terminology. The ultimate 2024 guide
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Published in: One Trading · 5 min read


Crypto exchanges have become the go-to platforms for buying, selling, and trading cryptocurrencies. While they offer convenience and accessibility, it's important to understand the fees associated with these exchanges. Crypto exchange fees can vary significantly and can impact your overall trading profits. In this blog, we will delve into the different types of fees charged by crypto exchanges and provide tips on how to minimize costs to maximize your gains.

1.Types of Crypto Exchange Fees:

1.1 Trading Fees:

The most common type of fee, trading fees are charged for executing trades on the exchange. They are usually either a spread, a percentage of the trade amount or a fixed fee per trade.

1.2 Deposit and Withdrawal Fees:

Exchanges may charge fees for depositing funds into your account or withdrawing funds to an external wallet. These fees can vary depending on the cryptocurrency and the chosen withdrawal method. There can also be blockchain fees when transferring in/out crpyto-assets, these blockchain fees - also know as gas fees - depend on the activity on the blockchain at any point in time. The fees should appear on your dashboard with a quote on the platform UI before transferring out, make sure to review before processing. 

And as always when transferring out large amounts of crypto, always send a test amount first - a smaller amount - to ensure that the destination crypto withdrawal address is correct. 

1.3 Spread:

The spread is the difference between the buying and selling prices of a cryptocurrency. Brokers make money by offering a higher buying price and a lower selling price, effectively charging a fee through the spread. Brokers typically charge a spread on the price, while exchanges have a fixed fee based on trailing 30-day volume which means that a fee tier is applied to traders based on their trading volume in the previous 30 days. Those with higher trade volumes typically fall in a lower fee category, but you should always monitor your fee tier - DYOR!

1.4 Inactivity Fees:

Some exchanges impose fees for inactive accounts. If you don't make any trades or log in to your account for an extended period, you may be charged an inactivity fee.

2. Tips to Minimize Fees:

2.1 Compare Fee Structures:

Different exchanges have varying fee structures. Review the fee structures on exchanges, see which fee tier you might fall in. Similarly for brokers, try to understand if it’s just a fixed fee, or a fixed fee and a spread as well as considering the deposit and withdrawal fees for crypto and fiat.

2.2 Choose Exchanges with Tiered Fee Structures:

Many exchanges offer tiered fee structures based on trading volume. As you trade more, you may qualify for lower fees. Consider exchanges that provide incentives for high-volume traders to reduce your trading costs. The Exchange offering at One Trading has advanced order types as well as an order book for customers that may want to lock in an order for stablecoins or altcoins at a specific price. You can review our fee tiers on our exchange here, and the listed markets here. Alternatively we have a broker offering called Instant Trade here, which has even more markets listed across crypto-crypto and crypto-fiat pairings - check it out!

2.3 Utilize Maker Orders: 

Exchanges often differentiate between maker and taker orders. A maker order adds liquidity to the exchange's order book, while a taker order removes liquidity. Maker orders typically have lower fees compared to taker orders. By using maker orders, you can minimize trading fees.

2.4 Timing your Trades: 

Keep an eye on market conditions and trade during periods of lower volatility and trading volume. During peak trading hours, exchanges may have higher fees due to increased demand. By strategically timing your trades, you can minimize costs.

2.5 Optimize Deposit and Withdrawal Methods: 

Different deposit and withdrawal methods may incur varying fees. Compare the fees associated with different payment options and choose the most cost-effective method. Sometimes, using cryptocurrencies with lower transaction fees can help minimize costs.

2.6 Watch Out for Hidden Fees: 

Carefully review the fee schedule and terms of service of the exchange. Some exchanges may have hidden fees, such as account maintenance fees or additional charges for specific services. Be aware of these potential costs to avoid surprises.


Understanding and minimizing crypto exchange fees is crucial for maximizing your trading gains. By comparing fee structures, utilizing maker orders,, timing your trades strategically, optimizing deposit and withdrawal methods, and being mindful of hidden fees, you can minimize costs and enhance your profitability. Remember to strike a balance between cost-effectiveness and choosing reputable and secure exchanges to ensure a positive trading experience.

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